Bio+Intelligent Photonics Laboratory
Explore the science of laser physics and nanoscience. Developing cutting-edge technology for next generation bio-intelligent sensors and imaging.
Dr. Yu-Cheng Chen received a PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2017 and became the first student to accomplish PhD degree within two years in the school history. Later he joined Nanyang Technological University, Singapore upon receiving the prestigious Nanyang Assistant Professorship Award. His research mainly focuses in optofluidics, biolasers, biophotonics, biosensors and imaging, nanophotonics, neural-engineering, and novel on-chip laser devices. Since 2012 he has already published more than 60 SCI journals and proceedings, which was reported by more than 300 media and news worldwide. Currently, he is a Nanyang Assistant Professor at NTU in Singapore. He is also the recipient of 2021 MIT Under 35 Innovators Award.
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The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering (Bioelectronics) 2015-2017
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. MS, Photonics and Optoelectronics 2010-2012
The University of Arizona (UA), AZ, USA. Visiting Student, Optical Science Center 2008-2009
National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. BS, Optics and Photonics 2006-2010